samedi, octobre 18, 2008

i can

tell me why? 

i can stop falling in love with you

jeudi, octobre 16, 2008

i hate it

ngg........setelah nonton jurasssic park again and again and again and again td malam...

i hate reptiles, amphibies or anything related to those animals
it's not that i hate animals. but, to these two type of animal i wont love them!
it's scarying and disgusting enough to see a lizard (cicak kadal dan sebangsabangsa mereka)
lebihlebih kodok. yaiiikkkksssss. hell NO!
belum lagi kadalkadal raksasa macem dinosaurus. no. no. no. definitely no.
thanks to jurassic park and other monster movies with reptiles/amphibies included.
now i hate them more than anything

postingan engga penting ya?
enjoy life, folks!