i know i'm still a kid.a kid who is trying to lear to be wiser than before.i realized i'm a bossy person with tendency to be hated by people around me.yes i know about it since years ago. but this is my only weapon to survive in this fuckin crazy beautiful world.maafkan saya tman2 yg menjadi korban dominasi saya.
i know i'm still a kid.a kid who is trying to lear to be wiser than before.i realized i'm a bossy person with tendency to be hated by people around me.yes i know about it since years ago. but this is my only weapon to survive in this fuckin crazy beautiful world.maafkan saya tman2 yg menjadi korban dominasi saya.
better be alone but independent than together but only become a follower.
nature selection was exist to choose the survival of the fittest.bukannya kita smua hidup tuh selalu bersaing,berkompetisi,berkompetensi*err..*, atau apalah yang intinya kita semua berlomba2 untuk mendapatkan posisi yg nyaman di dunia tempat kita tinggal ini.dan salah satu cara gua mempertahankan diri yah kasarnya my animal instinct tell me that i have to dominate if i still want to survive.
hmm..gua tau itu salah tapi gw jg ga mau ngorbanin kepentingan diri gua sendiri hanya karena gua harus jadi follower. ya gw jg perfeksionis.i always want to get the best.karena bwt gw, kalo bisa jadi yg terbaik knp harus jadi biasa2 aja?maksimalin potensi yg gua punya.
eventhough i know... most of times my way always on the high way.m very dominating.but.. for good reason. m defensing myself. sering terjebak di satu keadaan dimana tugas kelompok menjadi beban gw seorang. itu membuat gw jadi ga percaya sama orang lain untuk ngerjain tugas yg kalo kebetulan bareng. susaaaaaaahhh... ehm kayanya gw panjang2 berujung pada satu kata neh.distrust.
kemampuan intelegensia saya dalam mempercayai orang = 0
i hate cursing on people.okay, i confess. i did that sumtimes but only for fun.yahh..cuma iseng2 aja gtu.plampiasan smntara yg juga jadi bahan ketawa2 bareng, which i did back then in higschool.daily.
tapiiiii.... now i'm cursing ppl from the deep of my heart *cuih gak bgt neh*.sekalikalinyaaaaa...
astagfirullah...tobat chan.
sumpah gw kesel tau lagi mesti gmn numpahin kekeselan gw.kasian tmn2 gw tapi ya ujung2nya gua curhat jg sih.hehe.. *thanks bwt edo...u're the best!*
i hate cursing on people.okay, i confess. i did that sumtimes but only for fun.yahh..cuma iseng2 aja gtu.plampiasan smntara yg juga jadi bahan ketawa2 bareng, which i did back then in higschool.daily.
tapiiiii.... now i'm cursing ppl from the deep of my heart *cuih gak bgt neh*.sekalikalinyaaaaa...
astagfirullah...tobat chan.
sumpah gw kesel tau lagi mesti gmn numpahin kekeselan gw.kasian tmn2 gw tapi ya ujung2nya gua curhat jg sih.hehe.. *thanks bwt edo...u're the best!*
aaahh...udalah..capek hati gua gini terus.
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