ehm.saya kembali.
mahasiswi lucu returns to the maya civilization.
kali ini saya lagi pgn nge-review atau bahasa kerennya kilas balik kehidupan yg uda gua jalanin selama kurang lebih -+ 3 bulan.saya ngerasain banyaaaakk banget perubahan dalam hidup. new things that turn my logic upside down. new facts. new life. everything new.
serius neh.. *tumben saya bisa serius*
awal2 saya jadi anak kos.hmm..rasanya sediihh banget.jauh dari rumah.jauh dari keluarga.jauh dari temen2 sma.hiks.tapi ketemu suasana baru.ketemu temen baru.ketemu pacar baru *ha..*
simply a new life.
fun.tiring.but still..exciting ;D
mulai disini gua belajar banyak hal.gua yg dulu selalu sempit dalam ngeliat suatu masalah sekarang dipaksa untuk ngeliat masalah dari banyak sisi.
dulu gua ga pernah bermasalah dgn yg namanya perbedaan agama karena secara *secara....* sma saya dulu sma yg homogen (agamanya) ya otomatis saya ga pernah ketemu masalah perbedaan agama.
tapi setelah kuliah, masalah2 yg keliatannya simple as ngancingin baju aja keliatan berat.
i know.
i have to be wiser.
think like an adult.
heyyyy... u're no kid anymore.
but sometimes i refuse to grow up.
not just me.
everyone does.
yahh..maybe not everyone.
somepeople do refuse to grow up.
when it comes to trouble.
sometimes or manytimes you felt like you want to escape.
runaway from all of those trouble in your life.
escaping from something that we dont even know whether we can pass it or not
keep on running away.
and running away..
and never try solving.
when will you stop running??
we cant always escaping
running and running.
dont you feel tired?
or yeah you feel tired but you dont want to admit it?
grow up.
3 commentaires:
when will you stop running?
i'll stop running when i'm walking
when i take it slow,
dont rush it for nothin'
some part of our self refuse to grow up.
but some other part expect you the opposite.
just pick the right part hun...
i'm separated into 2 broken pieces
the first piece doesnt want to grow up
still desperate being a child
the other piece keep growing older and older that i cant even control anymore
which way should i choose??
saya setuju mbak chaneeee.
tampak saya kelakuannya masih kaya anak kecil yang imut dan lucu slaluuu. heuheu.
saya juga termasuk orang yang refusing to grow up, tapi pengen lebih wise dalam melihat segala sesuatunyah.
haduuh. saya getek baca bahasa tulisan saya.
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